We started the day off with a nice and simple prayer, simply to wishing our best of the bests of luck, hopefully getting lots of income and even more customers (even though our total revenue isnt much as compared to our income) from our photobooth.

From the first 'till fourth periods, we learnt normally, the usual Friday schedule. After reccess and fifth period onwards, the Expo has begun. When the bell rang, the screams of joy and excitement could be heard from every class, all over the school. It was like a joyous chaos, filled with the happiness and all the positive outcomes from the Expo we were looking forward to so very eagerly.

-- The Preperations

Stage 1 - Setting up the Stage.

The Image you just saw was the preperations only 15 minutes after the bell of preperations began. We hurriedly put together everything we had as hurriedly as we could, and as a result, well..

I guess you could tell what happened from that picture alone.

But that's besides the point.

-- Stage 2 - actually making monehhh

Anyways, as the day continued on, and as more and more customers poured in like a constant flow of water down a stream, we each took turns advertising our photobooth to whoever passed by and to whoever we could talk to outside the classroom. At the end of the first day, we gathered up - IN TOTAL - around Rp 1.000.000. It may seem like quite alot, but it will be divided by 2, half for the students and half for the school, and THENn further divide it by 2 AGAIN, half of the remainder for both 8H and 8I. THEN it has to be divided by 16 students, so in total, it really isnt too much, but it IS something. After all, what matters in the end is the experience we get from this.

Although I did not join the second day, on Saturday, unfortunately, I can tell you SOME things that DID happen on Saturday.

In a nutshell, a bunch of chaos came about, and we gathered up an extra Rp 1.700.000 from photos alone. In total, with all the costs and divisions already taken into account, each student can take home approximately Rp 40.000, not a bad number for the first time we actually sold stuff.

I hope you enjoyed reading this short story, please tell me any mistakes I may have made. Thank you!