Going from high school to university can feel like a big leap. But don't worry, we had Brian Wang, a UNPAR (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan) student who graduated from SMAK1 and SMPK1 BPK PENABUR, drop by to share his university wisdom in an easy-to-understand way.

1. Getting a Grip on Self-Discipline

Brian stressed how important it is to stay on top of things in college. Unlike high school, teachers won't be holding your hand. "You need to be your own boss and learn to manage your time," he explained. So, stay disciplined and keep yourself on the right track.

2. Choosing Your Subjects Wisely

Picking your courses in college can be a bit overwhelming. Brian's advice is simple: go for what interests you and fits with your program. "Select the classes that make you curious and match your major," he said. This makes learning more enjoyable.

3. Adapting to Changing Schedules

Brian also talked about how university schedules change every semester. "You'll need to be flexible," he mentioned. "Getting used to new timetables and staying organized is the key."

4. Doing Your Own Research for Assignments

In college, many assignments require independent research. Brian highlighted the importance of being good at it. "Professors want you to take the lead in your learning," he shared. "So, don't just rely on what's taught in class; look up extra resources."

Brian shared his personal experiences too. He talked about a time in the seventh grade when things suddenly got tougher, and it was a bit of a shock. But he didn't give up. He also went on exciting field trips to Jakarta, attended a DCP Camp, and even had the chance to explore Singapore.

As a wrap-up, Brian left the students with questions about business to ponder and answer, which wasn't really too hard but it was quite a rushy experience.